PhDm Editor (pe)

What's new...

08/16/2023 Version 1.3: Autotools packet compiling fix.
11/01/2014 Version 1.2: Debug, UTF-8 completed...
26/01/2014 Version 1.0: Debug, Auto complet removed, UTF-8 improved...
09/03/2008 Version 0.8: Display extention, auto complet, resizing, UTF-8 ...
07/13/2005 Version 0.7: Bug fix on column counter
23/11/2004 Bug: Bad message when opening a file with a not empty buffer, will be fixed in the next release.
31/10/2004 Version 0.6 small bugfix last line char not always cleared.


To invoke PE just type: pe [-t] [file_name]

PE is a very easy tiny console mode text editor that gives the user a simple and direct interface via a command bar.
PE is based on the Curses libraries so the text can be displayed black on white.
The yellow command bar is displayed on the bottom of the screen.
Line and colon counters are provided on the right end of the command bar.
Warning messages are displayed on the command bar for critical events.
I18n is implemented in v0.5, gettext functions are encodes.
UTF-8 encoding up to four bytes is implemented.


PE fits in a minimum 80 chars width console display or Xterm.
PE is limited to 8000 lines of 255 chars. Longer lines will be cut and the remaining part is inserted on the next line.
In this case a '\' will be automatically inserted at end of line.
The user can also insert a '\' at end of line if he wants the <CR> to be ignored at save time.
A double '\' at the end of line will be saved as '\+CR'.
The Tab is now supported (v0.5), the size is based on the terminal one.
NO Undo available !!!
F1 is removed as usually conflicts with the help of many terminals in X.

Command bar

F2 saves the buffer to the same file or any other one the user can specify.

F3 marks block of lines (max. 1000)
   The marking status is displayed on the right of the screen B=X.
   Pressing the first time marks the first block line, B=1, a second time will mark the last one, B=2
   the third strike will unmark the block, B=0.

F4 inserts the block under the current line position. It can be repeated. Blocks are kept in memory as long as B=2.

F5 deletes the block but will loose its effect if any insertion is made.
     If you want to move a block: first mark it, then delete it and finally insert it at its new position.

F6 is the search facility.

F7 sends the buffer to a script 'pe-prt' you should create to fit your system.

F8 quits the editor. No warning to save modified files is provided.

F9 loads a file, the name should be entered after pressing this key.  It's not possible to load more than one file.
   A backup copy of the loaded file is automatically done.

F10 (not displayed) put the cursor at the end of text.

F11 (not displayed) deletes the current line.

Other control keys

insert key : brings the cursor back to the last insert position.
home key : puts the cursor at start of line.
end key : puts the cursor at the end of line.
page up : goes one screen up.
page down : goes one screen down.


Option -t:
 Invoking pe with this flag can be use to provide some blind friendly audio feedback at critical situations. (This works only in console mode)
 A warning message is also displayed on the command bar.
 A read only file or backup issue are signaled with 2 bips
 Attempt to load none existing file is signaled with 3 bips
 Attempt to save ro files is signaled with 3 bips
 Other multi-tone signals are returned depending on the manipulations.
 If you see no cursor on X terminals, please modify the cursor color with the -cr [color] switch when invoking Xterm or rxvt

PE is now released under GNU G.P.L


Version 1.2

Download the sources
supporting the GNU autotools, the INTL(gettext)) is supported but not auto installed.

Build on Debian 8:
Download as Debian i386 package
Download as Debian amd64 package
Install with double click on the package icon (Ubuntu) after download or as administrator with 'dpkg -i pkg_x-y.z_platform.deb' command.

Last update: 01/11/2014

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