Possible crash when over passing the categories entries limits. Please edit and remove the last entered category
in the affiliates.cat file in the affiliates directory.
Possible crash with 'authentification' email protocol, will be fixed in V3 release.
Possible distortion whith photo printing.
By security measure when modifying data for a member a flag
file having a .lck extension is created. It could happen that these
files remain active and so disabling user to open members data. If you come
across such situation you can safely delete these ????.lck files after
having checked no colleague is actually busy with this member, this can
affect Windows users also.
It is advised to secure the c:\affiliates_db and c:\tmp directories.
For Ubuntu users a double click on the pkg file should
open the pkg manager or you should go in su mode with the sudo -s and invoke the dpkg utility.
For Windows, you can clean up the c:\tmp
directory when it looks necessary.